Results, transformation, shakeology results, accountability groups, do support groups work, online support groups, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, 70 pound weight loss, weight loss results

Jen E. Testimonial “I’m not alone”

Some people come into your life and you may not know exactly why but once they’re there – you get it.
You understand.
And you’re GRATEFUL.
Meet Jen.
A current and long time challenger of mine who has inspired me beyond words and has shown true dedication to herself for your family
Results, transformation, shakeology results, accountability groups, do support groups work, online support groups, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, 70 pound weight loss, weight loss results
“I’m Jen and I’ve struggled with weight my entire life. I did the yo-yo diets and even lost 90lbs unhealthily. I had a baby (now 12) and got married. Life was great. My life spiraled out of control February 8th 2008, I gained 100lbs shortly after my husband died. I lost my house, job and myself. Food and being lazy were my world!
I’ve tried losing weight no success I gained more. My boyfriend’s co-workers sister-in-law told me about BB and Shakeology, she said could help me get what I wanted. On September 2014 I joined my first challenge group, 21 Day fix I believe that’s when I was introduced to Maegan. I wasn’t sure what to expect. They said post how your day was, workouts, water, food and shake. I was like OK no one is gonna care what I have to say. Boy, was I wrong. I lost I think 12lbs and gained so much inspiration from this group. I joined every challenge group offered after that.
Jen Edgerton quote I can do this.PNG
 Wow, the overwhelming support you get from people you never met telling you great job or I understand…..meant the world to me. I now understand that I’m not alone in my journey and I can do this.
I look at these groups as a way to help myself when I feel like quiting and help others when I feel empowered. It’s a great way to share my concerns, struggles, recipes and just how I feel.

As of today I’ve lost 73lbs, it’s a slow process for me due to my feet, hips and back not cooperating. Someone wise (my daughter) told me that slow and steady wins the race. I’m 25lbs from my goal weight, I’m able to do real push-ups and have a heart full of inspiration.”
You know what they say: The road less traveled is never crowded.
Jen took a chance on herself and never looked back!

If you’re ready to take your own GOODBYE pictures and start the journey towards living a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle then fill out the application below to be considered for a spot in my next accountability group!

Transformation Thursday – 21 Day Fix Success Story

There are a lot of reasons WHY I coach but one thing that plays HEAVY in that decision and goal board is being able to share in the successes of my challengers and those who have made a decision to INVEST in themselves!!!

Em Vigil results

Em has completed 2 rounds of the 21-day fix and well, as you can see, she has received some pretty amazing results!!!


“My first round my focus was on weight and the scale something I pretty much have always had a struggle with. However this round my focus was on inches and trying not to obsess over the scale. I cannot even begin to express how important it is to forget the scale and look at all those NSVs!! It is so much healthier to look at those at least for me. I have lost a total of 12lbs and my victory 8.5 inches!!!! I plan to keep going and I can’t wait to figure out what my new goals will be as I continue on this journey to a healthy happier ME. Thank you ladies for keeping me accountable and making this journey a reality instead of just a dream that would drag me down.”

Its not just about the transformation you can see but rather that transformation you cBusy moms find balance ad with 3 day refreshan FEEL on the inside! Being able to share in these transformations fills my cup!!!

The secret is in the combo deal! If you practice a few basic principles over 4 weeks with the support and accountability of our online group you will see results WHILE developing a new healthier, more BALANCED life that you can maintain long after our time together is over!!!

If you are ready for a clean break from bad habits then join my Busy Moms Finding BALANCE support group! You can utilize the 3-day refresh to kick those bad habits and jump in full force or simply start with your workout program but know that you have a tribe of women supporting you every step of the way!!!

There’s power in numbers!!!