Team Retreat in Destin – RECAP


I have just returned home after a 5 day trip for our Team’s Retreat in Destin Florida and I am filled with so many emotions!!!

So many amazing takeaways from this trip and while I want to run, put my blinders on and get to work, I also need to take a moment to reflect on this incredible getaway!!!


I have hosted my own for my team and this is the second retreat I have attended with my upline sponsor coach and I cannot say enough POSITIVE things about the after math of attending something like this!


The theme was


To stand tall

Wear a crown


Be sweet on the inside!!!

We had our team there filling one house on the Beach and together with the other Dream Team Coaches – we filled 5 mansions in Destin Florida with 10+ Elite coaches in the network led by our fearless leader, the #1 Coach in all of Beachbody.


There were corporate led trainings, team led trainings, small group breakouts, parties, fun, dancing, dinners, group workouts, late night chat sessions, and more!

You could say it was a bit of a powerhouse event!

I’ve heard so many women say they don’t have girlfriends and they get along better with men and that is sad to me, because when confident, happy, secure women come together in friendship, amazing things happen!!!


I’ll admit I got a bit anxious leading up to the event. I mean 14 girls in one house – PLUS – over 100 girls coming together for games and trainings…its a lot to take in!!!

But I know the importance of events.

And as expected, I walked away from this event with new friendships, stronger bonds, and perhaps a 6 pack in the making from all the laughter!

I want to share a bit with you all so you can understand that this wasn’t just an opportunity to unplug and soak up some rays…but rather an opportunity TO GROW our businesses, our confidence, and improve the overall quality of our LIVES!

I arrived on Wednesday evening and Thursday kicked off our Team’s trip!

We all watched the sunrise together


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Then naturally we took things to beach to get started!

We got sweaty, had some fun, then got to the beach!

This was our one FREE day…and I took full advantage of it!

Processed with Snapseed.

Miracle Morning

I’ve been preparing for my upcoming Miracle Morning accountability group and this was the perfect setting to dive in and get to practicing what I was about to be preaching!!!

Friday night we got together with the other 5 houses and together, 125 Beachbody Leaders strong, we competed in the BEACH OLYMPICS!

I’m not sure I ever laughed so hard!

From crab crawls in the sand, to wheelbarrow races, to 3-legged races, to running with a pineapple on my head – this was hands down one of the most fun nights of my LIFE!

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Our team may not have one the trophy but we did win with the most laughs!!! #TeamPurple rocked it for sure!

Saturday it was time to Learn!!! From 9-5 we heard from some of the top leaders at Corporate and the top leaders in the company.

From social media trainings, to recruiting, to creating independent leaders, to creating a powerful vision, to leading with a PURPOSE, to learning how to JUST BE YOU and lead from the heart with the goals and impact you have on others in the heart of what we do!


Things slowed down as we wrapped up our training session, regrouped, then headed out for margaritas and tacos! Because what group of women doesn’t like margaritas and tacos?!?!


There were many moments of reflection and many moments where I just had to stop and pinch myself.

This is my life.

This is my career.

These are the women and people I CHOOSE to spend my time with.

Who lift me up

And EMPOWER me to be the best mom, friend, wife, coach, sister and daughter possible!


The trip was perfect.
I am grateful for the generosity of my coach and grateful for the team bonding we all enjoyed!

I know I say this a LOT.

But its true.

This career. this opportunity, has BLESSED me more ways than I ever imagined!


No one tells you when you buy a challenge pack looking to lose a few pounds that you may just stumble upon one of the greatest career opportunities out there!

I am grateful and I am blessed and I want to share this opportunity with others!
If you see yourself in these pictures above – if you’re reading this thinking – this is ME or THIS COULD BE ME – or I WANT THIS TO BE ME let me share more with you!

Taking that LEAP OF FAITH is where it all starts!
If you have every considered coaching, now is the time!
I am getting ready to kick off a BACKSTAGE PASS into the COACHLIFE —  If you would like to learn more about how this business works then you can request to join the group by filling out the application below!
Beachbody Coaching cover August event.jpg
Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Busy Moms build a business, Mom of two, Mompreneur, Momlife, Successful work from home career, Successful Beachbody Coach, Top Elite Beachbody Coach, How do Beachbody Coaches make an income, Realistic expectations for Beachbody Coaching, How to become a Beachbody Coach, Pittsburgh area Beachbody Coaching opportunity, Fitness career work from home, Stay at home mom career opportunity, Your vibe attracts your tribe, Destin Florida getaway, Destin Florida beaches

Open Book Look into the Coachlife

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I was not a fitness expert and I’m still not. 

I was not a nutritionist and I am still learning something new every day. 

I was not at my goal weight and somedays I am at it and others not so much…its a journey. 

I only posted on social media to share periodic pictures of my kiddos and NEVER liked or commented on anyone else’s pictures…#didntwanttobeacreeper

I thought people who took selfies were self absorbed & CR-A-ZY!

I never wanted to be called a “sales person”

I didn’t have Instagram or a Blog and had no desire to learn them. 

And the list goes on……

Those concerns you may have about coaching…Yes ma’am – I had them too! 

But you know what I realized? I knew I had POTENTIAL. 

Potential to build a business while at home with my littles…

Potential to help other women lose their baby weight just like ME…

Potential to help women simply FEEL confident again…

Potential to provide for my family…

So you know what? 

I pushed those fears aside and went for it. 

I won’t say its always easy living my life out loud on social media but heck yes its worth it! 

Beachbody Coaching cover August event

I’m hosting an OPEN BOOK LOOK into the coach life and ask that you use this as YOUR personal invitation to join us. 

No obligation – just information. 

To answer your questions and help you decide if you want to join us! 

Fill out the application below and I’ll get back to you asap!

Opportunity Alert!!!


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Do you ever watch someone else and see what they’re doing and think “why not me?”

I watched my coach for almost a year before I even considered dabbling in Beachbody programs – let alone the coaching opportunity. 

I didn’t think I had what it took. 

—> No social media background

—> No “sales” experience  

—> No MONEY! I know some of you SAHMs know what I’m talking about 😜 it’s hard to justify things for yourself!!!


—> No free time…come on I had an infant and a toddler! I barely slept as it was! 

But as I watched I realized this coaching “thing” had qualities I wanted – a lifestyle that was attractive to me – for me – for MY family. 

I wanted to be a healthy & fit mom. 

I wanted to be able to give my children things I didn’t have. 

I wanted to be able to pay the bills without strategically staggering out pay dates to make sure we didn’t go negative in our account.

 I wanted to create a future for my family that would allow us to travel, to have fun, and to simply LIVE out our life – together. 

So instead of thinking about all these things “I wanted” and thinking about the “what ifs” I started to take ACTION! 

In 28 months…

✔️We have paid off my student loans 

✔️We have invested in our children’s college educations 

✔️We have been able to build our dream HOME with the supplemental income I have added to our family’s monthly budget!!! 

✔️We are able to GIVE more to causes that truly mean something to us

✔️And above all else – I have such an amazing sense of self-satisfaction knowing I am able to help other women build and live out their dreams too! 

I feel like a lot of people just don’t really GET what being a Beachbody coach is and how much it can truly impact your life – your future and your family but I want to help you understand!!! 

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We become a FAMILY. 

I train my team – I guide them – I help them succeed! I will run with you or walk beside you but know I am there for you if you are ready to take that leap!!! 

I’m not saying that being a work from home home mom is the best way to live out your dreams but I will say it is the best thing for me and my family and the blessings that I have experienced in just these last 28 months is truly far beyond my wildest dreams and I am looking for those of you who want this too!!! 

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I am accepting 5 new coaches into my Coach TRAINING Academy that kicks off AUGUST 8th! 

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Apply below! 


Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Backstage Pass into the Coach Life

Earlier this week I hosted a Live Business Opportunity Call to share a bit more about what its like to be a coach on our team. Its one of my favorite calls of the month as it gives me an opportunity to SHARE just HOW this business has impacted my life and those on my team!!!

Coaching Opportunity picture

There are a lot of questions I get regularly – from WHAT DO YOU REALLY “DO”, to “HOW DO YOU MAKE MONEY”, to “BUT…IS IT A PYRAMID SCHEME” and you know what – I GET IT!

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I totally understand why you are asking these questions because just over 2 years ago I had the same questions.

I watched my coach for MONTHS before I ever looked into what she TRULY did. 

Before I ever joined a challenge group. 

Before I believed in the power of clean eating & Shakeology. 

Before I knew – there was a life-changing OPPORTUNITY at my finger tips. 

Before I was ready to FINALLY – make a change…for my family, myself and my future. 

And when I got tired of sitting on the sidelines I went for it – jumped all in – and I have never looked back! 

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You see: I tried the traditional route. You know the one we were taught to pursue all throughout school:

Graduate from high school, then college, get a job, find prince charming, start a family, etc…And you know what…I followed that recommended game plan pretty darn closely!

But what I soon found out was that 4 year degree with the CPA license in hand & a solid foundation in a big four accounting firm did nothing to fill my cup.

I wanted freedom to be home with my babies!

And with not much of a game plan – I gave up what I had built and that’s exactly what I did!

I left my career so I could be MOM and then 10 months later stumbled upon this new opportunity.

Are you that girl

One that allowed me to use the skills I learned throughout my life but in a different way.

Yes, I have built my business on social media by inspiring others, helping them work towards their health & fitness goals, while continuously working on MYSELF.

I have learned to embrace personal development (this coming from the girl who DESPISED reading any type of book), I have built a team of others just like me with similar goals and desires to help others & while I still get to first and foremost call myself MOM I am also providing for my family in ways I never dreamt possible!

If you would have told me 9 years ago when I wrapped up my college graduation with a degree in finance & accounting – this is where I’d be today – online business mompreneur – I would have NEVER believed you.

But I am super excited to be here today as living proof that your dreams can change, your path isn’t always what you imagined and sometimes, that road less traveled is sometimes the best route to take!

Every month I put together a private group on Facebook to showcase our Team Members and their stories and simply HOW we all make this business work for us – despite different backgrounds, challenges, schedules, etc…

I received several of inquiries from my followers who are not on Facebook but were interested in the Sneak Peek event so I’ve decided to try something different this time around and share the videos from my team RIGHT HERE WITH YOU!!!

There are 8 videos you’ll see below and I encourage you to listen and email me (MAEGANBLINKA@GMAIL.COM) to discuss any questions and help you determine if this business – if our team – is the right fit for YOU!

If you are ready to move on – fill out the form below and we’ll set up a time to chat!!!


Our first video is created by myself (Maegan Blinka) and I’m just going to go ahead and give you a little introduction and let you know what Beachbody coaching even is!!!

So sit back, relax, enjoy, and again, feel free to ask questions at any time!!!

VIDEO #2- A day in the life of a Stay at Home Mom/Coach

Hi there! I’m Carrie and I love being a Beachbody Coach and mom…it’s the perfect combo!

If you’re thinking the demands of 3 busy kids would keep you from building a business…you’re so wrong! I use the time (sometimes small amounts) I have throughout the day! It is all about how you prioritize… if it is important to you you will find a way! And yes, sometimes we get a little creative too! (I think my four year old, Ellie, is going to start making her own Beachbody videos soon! Haha! I really have the best of both worlds…. becoming the best version of myself.. while growing a business… all while watching my kids grow!

Here is a typical day in my life!


VIDEO 3: Day in the Life of a Full time work outside the home COACH: Jessica Brennan

So now you know how we use social media to build our business, but you may be concerned about time. I totally get it! That was one of my biggest fears before I started as a coach. “Do you have to coach full-time to be successful?” is a question I receive often from people who are on the fence about becoming a Coach.  

People assume that you need to be a full-time coach and that this needs to consume your life in order to see any sort of result from it.  This opportunity is completely the opposite of that.  It’s up to you what you wish to invest in this, whether you want to invest a few hours before bed, a couple hours throughout your day,  an hour in the morning or twenty minutes on your lunch break.  The ball is in your court and the decision is yours.  Whatever you decide, you can still be successful.

I work full time as a teacher and I am mom, wife and still manage to balance it with Beachbody Coaching!

This decision has kept me busy in a GOOD, HEALTHY way, and I am inspiring others to live a clean, happy lifestyle as well!

VIDEO 4: Coaches Don’t sell, Coaches HELP

Hi everyone! I am Brier, part time working mom of two teenaged girls.

I want to talk a little about what your role as a coach will be about. First thing to know is that coaches don’t “sell”, coaches HELP.

I have never in my life been a person who could or wanted to sell things. I am not a pushy person. I became a coach because I wanted to share my success with others. I am truly passionate about clean eating and fitness. I am in their homes every day encouraging them and helping them to reach their full potential. I have never once felt that I had to sell anything. I simply share my story and the Beachbody products speak for themselves. In fact, I rarely even talk about “products”.

I talk to people about the path they would like to take to start their journey, and then we talk about what program will fit their needs. It truly is a job that feels like a gift.


Hey everyone! Here’s my video that I wanted to share with all of you!

It goes through my story as a Beachbody coach and how I “fit” coaching into my crazy hectic life.

We all have busy schedules whether it’s a full time job, kids, etc, etc. But no matter what you have going on in your life I want you to know that you CAN make coaching work for you!

I was able to successfully build my business with Beachbody with a full time career, being a cheer coach, through being pregnant and the birth of my son. And if I can do it, so can you!!

Being a team Beachbody coach offers the opportunity to build a business however YOU want – you control your hours, your goals, your income because YOU are your own boss.

VIDEO #6: Compensation plan basics 101

Now it’s time to get talking about the potential for income and financial freedom!

Each person’s income will vary, depending on their own effort and work put into coaching!

But we do have coaches that have earned up to a 6 figure income in 12-18-24 months of being consistent as a coach! 

Did you see the key word…CONSISTNECY!!!!

Again, the success depends on YOU, but the sky’s the limit!

You do not have anyone telling you how much you can make… the more people you help, the more you grow and the more successful you will become!

What’s great about this company, is you are not only given commission when people purchase a fitness program, supplements, or Shakeology from you, but they also reward you with bonuses when you sign up coaches (working or discount), and for certain rank advances as you are growing your team!


OMGOSH…you’re thinking of becoming a BEACHBODY COACH?!! SAY WHAT??? 

Please take 2 minutes to read the following and watch this video!

So….I’m going to COMBAT some of the top, most common apprehensions people have about taking this leap wink emoticon Here we go…

* This is a pyramid scheme or scam: NOPE (and ya know, if you thought that…it’s’re just misinformed) My husband thought this, too, and told me I was wasting my time and money and this would never work….2 months after I got into this, he was apologizing he ever doubted me…or Beachbody 

* You need to quit your job to do this and to get a business off the ground: NOPE. I was teaching 2nd grade full time, writing, doing photography, taking grad classes, had 3 children under the age of 6 at home, a husband…and I was 7 months pregnant with our 4th baby. TOTALLY possible to get a business lifted off the ground while having a busy schedule wink emoticon

* You need to do this to MAKE a business: NOPE. Some do it simply to cover the cost of their Shakeology that they can’t go without. Others use it as a “hobby” who LOVE Beachbody’s products and use the extra income to pay off school loans, make their car payments, use it to pay their mortgage or rent, pay off some credit cards, or maybe even some “fun” money or to put into their savings. Others, like myself, want this as a BUSINESS. In less than 1 year, I was able to leave my teaching job and at age 31, 11 months into the business, I’ve officially RETIRED from teaching for good. And let me tell you, my first 2 months didn’t go as I planned. People were NOT knocking my door down but my coach reassured me that to keep posting and sharing what I was doing. By my 3rd month, things started happening, my consistency was paying off and was reaching and inspiring many. By month 5, I made what I did as a teacher each month, by month 10 that doubled. And now almost a year into it, that has tripled. Every coach’s paycheck is not a “given”. What you put into it is what you get out of it.

*You need to spend “X” amount of hours on this: NOPE. You can do as much or as little as you want. In the beginning I was able to make it by giving a half hour here and there. Now, naturally that I’m running 2 businesses and ready to open my 3rd business center with Beachbody, it DOES require more. But I know that all the work I’m putting in now, is going to pay off (just like any other CEO…investing time in the beginning) then you get to a point where you can “coast…and enjoy” … and really cut back on hours once you have set YOUR foundations and set YOUR business up as you see fit. That being said, I work when I’m able to make the time around my children and my other commitments and priorities.

*You will need to figure things out on your own: NOPE. What is phenomenal is this is NOT a cut throat business. Yes, we all run our own businesses but yet it is still a team oriented job. We share everything…we all want each other to be successful..And yes, it doesn’t hurt that we’re aligned with the #1 in the entire business to learn from wink emoticon

*You don’t have the money for this to get started: Let me tell you right now…if ANYONE gets this, please know it’s me. Despite working tons of jobs at once, due to many unpaid leaves for my babies, we were scraping…and I mean BARELY getting by (some months…okay, a LOT of months, going was a plain scary time and didn’t know if we had a way OUT). When I bought my first challenge pack almost a year ago (mine was $140), I had talked with my coach for MONTHS about this…back and forth if I could afford it (which technically I couldn’t), questioned would this work, would I annoy people with my posts…and then I prayed about it for quite some time…I knew in my heart that this is everything I needed in my life. I needed accountability to become the best version of myself; I’m 31 years old, 4 babies in 6 years and I’m in the best shape of my life. I needed, desperately needed the income and wanted to be home with my children. I needed to do something that I believed in and felt like I was making a difference in people’s lives and becoming an inspiration. And I knew if anyone was “bothered” or “annoyed” by my posts, that they needed my prayers and weren’t in the right place or happy with themselves.

I took this leap of faith in becoming a Coach and you know what, a lot of my friends and family doubted this and said I was crazy. I can say almost every single person has come around and apologized and they now say they can’t imagine how different my life would be if I hadn’t gone against the grain and DONE THIS.

This business is about health…it’s about happiness…it’s about changing LIVES. We inspire. We motivate and encourage others. We are acknowledged by doctors in all fields of all ages who are in agreement of how significant a change and impact our products DO have on a person’s health and life. We transform people physically but I gotta tell you, my favorite transformations are the emotional ones…the confidence levels. Personally, INSANITY pulled me out of a post partum depression. It was a total game changer for me, in all aspects of my life, this company!

Can this be a hobby, part-time job on the side that can make you some good pocket cash while getting/staying fit and healthy? ABSOLUTELY.

Can this be a career that can completely change what you do everyday and your family’s financial status. ABSOLUTELY.

Hope this helps answer some questions

VIDEO #8: Details of joining our TRIBE 

If this sounds like something you are seriously considering and you would like to be a member of our One Fit Fam team – then check out the final video with the entire lowdown on coaching, support, and hopefully all of your questions answered.

I am a 2015 Elite Coach and currently ranked #140 out of well over 400,000 coaches in the entire network!
While this may not mean much at this point I want you to understand this means you are part of a FAMILY.
We work together, I mentor you, train you and match your speed to help you reach whatever goals you set for yourself!

Now hiring coach opp

As a coach on our team you’ll have the chance to participate in my monthly Coach Training Academy and you’ll have access to my Challenge groups, guides, training materials, team page and more!

Business Opportunity Post Never allow wiaiting

The first Monday of every month kicks off my new Coach Training Academy – don’t miss the next group!


Because nothing comes without hard work : Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

Are you that girl?

I’m looking for a VERY specific person. 

Are you that girl.jpgYou might be her.

Or you might KNOW her. 

This girl that I’m looking for…

✨She has passion 

✨She’s is a hard worker with a desire to LEARN more and DO more

✨She has big dreams but hasn’t taken the time to work towards them…

✨She is coachable and independent but will ask for help when needed.

✨She’s a mom or someday wants to be a mom who is present to raise her children but doesn’t want to lose her financial independence.

✨She knows she has potential to make an impact-and lead a purposeful life…but isn’t quite sure how…

✨She’s feeling stretched a little thin and not exactly in a position to add something more to her plate but at she knows that short term sacrifices are worth it.  

✨She sees the potential for FREEDOM and is willing to work for it. 

✨She wants to lead a healthy lifestyle – not just for herself but for the energy to be the mom she wants to be for her children.

✨She is willing to do things today that others are not willing to do so that someday she will have the things others only dream of.

✨She wants to empower herself, her family and other moms around her and show them-that you can have your cake and eat it too but it may take hard work.

Do you know her?

✨I WAS that mom. 

✨I dreamt of being a successful career business woman then dreamt of “just being mom” then dreamt of some kind of balance…

✨I stumbled upon this online coaching business and it fit everything I needed. I could work when my schedule allowed me to and the potential was limitless. I built relationships and saw the power I had to truly change other people’s LIVES!

✨I was tired, my kids never slept but I longed for more FREEDOM. I set big goals and worked hard to achieve them.

Through sacrifice and a positive never give-up attitude… I have built a substantial business in just 2 years and it is my goal to help others do the same! 

✨I am looking to mentor 5  passionate, driven, committed ladies to do the same. 

✨If this sounds like you-or someone you know- email me at

My team is hosting a Back Stage pass to WHAT IS BEACHBODY coaching – and you’re invited!

Simply fill out the form below!

Anything is possible if you have the power to first believe 

Busy moms build a business

Out of office Cover photo

I can’t believe we are already one day in!

My hubby and I, a few of our besties and 3,000 other coaches are enjoying a trip we of a lifetime aboard the Oasis of the Sea – one of the largest ships to sail the ocean waters and guess what – it was totally FREE!

Yup – earned by helping others reach their goals as well as get started with their own health & fitness businesses.

Pretty darn cool to be part of an organization that rewards its team for well, simply doing what we are here to do!
Its crazy to think and rewind for a bit…

2 years ago I was a BRAND new coach and I watched other leaders in the  company head off on the Success Club cruise in awe thinking – I can do this too!!!

I want to do this!

Let’s do this!!!

It was the thought – to be able to earn a vacation for my family – that helped propel me to just give it a try!

To try this entrepreneur – momboss life and see what happened!

And you know what?!?!

The consistency has paid off!

Through helping at least 3 people every single month in 2014 I was able to earn a trip to Cancun last spring and by continuing to do so throughout 2015 – I have now earned this cruise! 

just a mom that turned her excuses into her reasons

There’s a heck of a lot more to this coaching gig than the free trips but my goodness are they an amazing way to celebrate the lives we are able to change each and every day!!!

I will be sharing my adventure on my Business Page Maegan Blinka – Living a Life of Family, Fun and Fitness and on my IG: maeganblinka  

Like Page Cover photo_March 2016

I am no different than you.

I joined a challenge group to help myself. To build my self esteem, confidence, energy levels and be happy again with myself.

And while I lost a few pounds it was what I gained that made the biggest impact in my life!

If  you’d like to learn more information about the coaching opportunity please contact me at: and fill out the application below and I will return your message as soon as possible!

Sometimes the road less traveled leads to the greatest adventures! 

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Elite top Beachbody Coach, Sneak Peek into Coaching, Coach Training Academy, Live Sneak Peek into Coaching event, SAHM opportunities, Work from home Fitness Opportunities, Fitness Business, How to create a 6 figure income from home, Leadership, pay it forward, inspire mom, Fit mom business, Team work makes your dreams work, Surround yourself with those that lift you higher

Live Peek into Beachbody Coaching

Live Coaching Event February 2016.jpgHey hey all my amazing ladies and followers!

My team is hosting a LIVE event next Tuesday – February 23rd at 9:00pm EST for all of you who have expressed interest and are ready to learn more about what Beachbody Coaching is like on my team, One. Fit. Fam.

If you’ve ever wondered what exactly it is that I do in this “work from home business” or how I have been able to lead a TOP team in the network while still managing my duties as a SAHM, then come join us, hang out, grab a glass of wine, bring a friend or two along and LISTEN in!

A few of the things we plan to discuss include:

  • WHY become a coach and what it can do for you physically, mentally and financially
  • How to manage and balance life as a FULL time stay at home MOM and COACH as well as FULL time work outside the home and COACH.
  • How we share and help – not SELL (we are sales people my friends!)
  • The ever important Compensation plan basics
  • How to grow your market through social media
  • Then we’ll knock your socks off with a few myth busters!!!

You’ll even have a chance to talk to us and ask any & all questions you have!!!

Team collage February 2016.jpgWe kicked off 2016 ranked #103 out of the 400,000+ coaches in the network and I am so excited to work with all these amazing ladies and help more people and simply GROW to make 2016 the most impactful year yet!!!

You can email me at – OR – fill out this application below!

What no one tells you is in the bottom of the challenge pack

Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday we packed up the fam, joined forces with some friends and traveled to State College PA to visit a good friend, my business success partner, who has been hit with a few curve balls of life!

And well, you can’t surprise a friend on Valentines Day weekend without showing up with a little treat!

2016-02-13 10.25.28I have been trying to really limit my dairy intake after a recommendation from my dermatologist and she is on a gluten free diet so I decided to take the best of both worlds and whip up a new recipe of shakeo no bakes!

Vegan chocolate no bakes with border

The cinnamon most definitely spiced things up and the rice krispies added a nice little crunch! See HERE for the full recipe.

And while the cookies were a hit and the day was a blast what I really came home focusing on is what I found at the bottom of that challenge pack box nearly 2 years ago.

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Like I said above, this trip was to visit my business success partner – who is now one of my closest friends who I talk to on a daily basis.

But before we became really amazing friends, business building MOMpreneurs and a support system for each other – we were CHALLENGERS – together – in a CHALLENGE GROUP – trying to fight off those last few post baby pounds.

We both contacted our now coach, purchased the 21-day fix challenge pack, and got to work! We were bonded on that common goal and through the success of the group & reaching our goals we began to realize there’s so much more in that box than a workout program & meal replacement shake. We could pay it forward and share what we learned to help others!

We were challengers who found a passion for supporting one another and we became coaches. It wasn’t part of what I expected from that challenge pack box but what I soon realized is that I gained so much more than I bargained for!

Today we spend our time helping other MOMS and other WOMEN reach their health & fitness goals and build their own businesses from home. I finally feel like I have a purpose beyond someone else’s employee and beyond the roles of a wife and mom.

I have the opportunity to make a DIFFERENCE in this world and so can you!

My team is hosting an open house next Tuesday, February 23rd and you’re invited to join us! To hear about how I went from a CPA, Accountant – to Stay at home mom – to Work from Home MOMboss!

*Must not be working with another coach

Do you want to be a stay at home mom

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, New Leader Conference, Work trip in LA, Los Angeles conference, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Networking opportunity, Tony Horton's new home workout program, 22 minute hard corps, the Dream Team, Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity, SAHM job options, Fitness Business, How to build a business from home, How to build fitness business from home, Runyon Canyon, Hollywood sign, California hikes, Best hikes in Los Angeles, work from home job opportunity

Make Fitness your Business – Now Hiring

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Elite top Beachbody Coach, Sneak Peek into Coaching, Coach Training Academy, Live Sneak Peek into Coaching event, SAHM opportunities, Work from home Fitness Opportunities, Fitness Business, How to create a 6 figure income from home, Leadership, pay it forward, inspire mom, Fit mom business

Ever see a little opportunity and think “yeah right – TOO GOOD TOO BE TRUE”


“Sure – SHE did it but I could NEVER do it because…”

Well I am here to say – STOP. Stop the negative self talk and disbelief and start telling yourself YES I CAN!

But here’s the deal – you have to BELIEVE in yourself FIRST – you are meant for greatness!

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I was a full time Audit manager working 50-60+ hours a week and I left that to be a full time stay at home to my two littles. And after a year – through a journey to find a better sense of health and happiness for my personal self…I found my passion!

I found the little changes I was making in my own life – like exercising regularly and fueling my body with the nutrients it needs – were making me a better mom, a better wife, a better PERSON and this opened this door to building my own business from home – helping others – coaching others the same way my coach helped me!

I am still able to be there for my children but at the same time I building my dreams – while they sleep, late at night and in the early mornings.

It takes sacrifice, hard work, a little tough skin and determination but if you are willing to make the short term sacrifices today for long term results in the future I promise you it is worth it!

I have a system that is duplicatable and my goal is to help you learn from my mistakes and build a business that is right for YOU and your goals! You don’t have to recreate the wheel but through my New Coach Training I will give you the tools, tips and recipe for success.

The only missing part is YOU!

You do NOT need:
—> To be at your goal weight
—> To be a Social Media guru
—> To have A TON OF TIME week to dedicate
You DO need to be:
—> Coachable
—> Willing to learn
—> Committed
—> Love to drink a milkshake each day (aka – shakeo!)
—> Goal setter and go getter!

I have been working on compiling the best and most useful information to make our 21 day jumpstart academy work for you!

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, New Leader Conference, Work trip in LA, Los Angeles conference, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Networking opportunity, Tony Horton's new home workout program, 22 minute hard corps, the Dream Team, Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity, SAHM job options, Fitness Business, How to build a business from home, How to build fitness business from home, Runyon Canyon, Hollywood sign, California hikes, Best hikes in Los Angeles, work from home job opportunity

My next training session of 2016 is now open and accepting applicants!

Let’s fly together in 2016!! Apply below!

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, New Leader Conference, Work trip in LA, Los Angeles conference, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Networking opportunity, Tony Horton's new home workout program, 22 minute hard corps, the Dream Team, Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity, SAHM job options, Fitness Business, How to build a business from home, How to build fitness business from home, Runyon Canyon, Hollywood sign, California hikes, Best hikes in Los Angeles, work from home job opportunity, Blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape

Behind the Challenge groups and sweaty selfies


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My head is truly spinning and I am sitting here today – after a whirlwind of a weekend – with a grateful heart that I was invited into a life-changing opportunity nearly 2 years ago!

You see 2 years ago I had a really good life.

I was a SAHM to a toddler and a newborn, I had an amazing husband, we lived in a beautiful home and I was HAPPY.

I thought I had it all but then I found that I was missing something in my life. Something bigger. Something powerful. Something that allows ME to empower, inspire, support and something that allowed me to find my PASSION.

Something that took this really good life I had and it made it GREAT!

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I became a Beachbody Coach!

I had success in a challenge group, I wanted to pay it forward to help others and in time – through CONSISTENT hard work, daily dedication and discipline I grew a BUSINESS.

Now I know some people may see my daily sweaty selfies after my 5:00am workout in my basement and don’t quite get it – but I wanted to take this opportunity to share there is so much more to it!

I shared my story, my journey and brought others along for the ride. Something that I began doing out of joy provided me with an outlet to grow a very successful business. And after finishing the year in the top 0.05% of the ENTIRE network – out of 400,000K other coaches – I earned an invitation to the 2016 New Leaders Conference in Los Angeles – and away I went!

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We had the opportunity to tour the Corporate Headquarters and it really helped me realize how much Team Beachbody leads from the front with integrity and class. The culture was amazing not to mention the impressive gym and unlimited shakeo bar offered to its employees! The mission to end the trend of obesity and to help others lead healthy and fulfilling lives starts at the top and I was honored to be able to see it all first hand!

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Now it wasn’t ALLLLLL fun and games… we were there to learn too! To hear from some of the absolute BEST in the company and get tips and ideas and inspiration and really see the potential of this company. I am not a typical note taker but I couldn’t stop writing things down!!! I am so very blessed to come from the 2X #1 Coach in the company Melanie Mitro, and she was right there with us sharing and learning and inspiring us with ideas and in the end – just having FUN!

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In addition to some pretty darn AMAZING training sessions from both top coaches in the network and the corporate team we also had a chance to get a sneak peek into Tony Horton’s upcoming program – 22 Minute HARD CORPS.

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I come from a long line of military in my family and Tony’s heart and passion behind this program and his dedication to he troops is unreal. I love the convenience of my at home workouts and being able to do it all from my basement while my littles sleep but NOTHING can compare to the personal instruction of Tony Horton himself. I don’t think I have ever pushed myself SO hard! I was honored to have this experience and cannot wait to help others get started with their life style changes!!!

With the biggest snowstorm in years my flight back to the east coast got cancelled. And as bummed as I was it ended up being a blessing in disguise!

A few coaches – we didn’t really know each other – got together and we hiked up Runyon Canyon to see the Hollywood sign.

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The views were breathtaking and the networking was priceless.

NLC group pic

The only thing that would have made this trip better is to have had some of my OWN team members there WITH ME!

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This was a one-time invite deal. B

ut I have set a goal. NEXT YEAR – my team will still be represented and I will have at least 4 of my girls in LA to experience the opportunity and to be inspired just like I was. To learn from the top just like I did and to experience the full package deal and grow as LEADERS of their own teams too!

Taking the road less traveled can be scary.

I was a prior audit manager with my CPA license when I began this journey as a coach. I never imagined the possibilities of the business but once I took that LEAP I have never looked back.

Are you ready to JUMP?

NLC jump

I am taking on 3 new members to my team. Runners. Those who want this business. Those who are ready to commit and FLY with me!!

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Elite top Beachbody Coach, Sneak Peek into Coaching, Coach Training Academy, Live Sneak Peek into Coaching event, SAHM opportunities, Work from home Fitness Opportunities, Fitness Business, How to create a 6 figure income from home, Leadership, pay it forward, inspire mom, Fit mom business

If you think this opportunity could be for you then fill out my application below and join my LIVE coaching event on Facebook for a little inside scoop to what we really do!