Love yourself – Summer Kickstart


Summer Kickoff July 18th Event cover.jpgWho’s ready to join me July 18th for my 4-week Love Yourself SUMMER Kickstart Challenge?

We will start with 7 days of PREP complete with meal planning, new ideas, recipes and tips to help you get up and running followed by our 3 week – 21 DAY Challenge!

Traveling? Vacation? Weddings? Company? NO PROBLEM!!!!

This is about finding ways to create a healthy LIFESTYLE with balance, fulfillment and RESULTS!

This group will combine both FITNESS & NUTRITION.

I am highlighting the 21-Day Fix and Fix Extreme this month as these two programs have been the most KEY in helping not only myself but the majority of my challengers but we will discuss what is best for YOU!

You can expect sample meal plans during the group but you’ll have the freedom and flexibility to make these specific plans fit YOUR lifestyle.

This group requires that I AM YOUR COACH & that you commit to a fitness program that we will decide on together.

Each participant will replace one meal with our nutrient dense superfood meal replacement, Shakeology and I’ll provide you with the support, motivation and drive to not only COMMIT but follow through with your commitment.

There will only be 15 participants selected this round so it will be based on a first come first serve basis!!!!

Anyone who enrolls by the end of day July 15th will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.

Fill out the application below, invite some friends & get pumped up!!!



Resolutions into Results

Resolutions into results, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into resultsIs it the super great deal at the local gym?

Or maybe the 7-10 pounds you tacked on between Thanksgiving & Christmas?!

Or…. perhaps the classic “this is my year” attitude??

I’m sure there’s a million and one things that play into the reasons but the results have proven in a recent study that the TOP 3 new years resolution in America are to:



*Improve DIET*

Forget saving for the future or spending more time with family – most people kick off a new year with a goal to somehow some way improve their overall well being!Most common new years resolutions, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into results

Yet, LESS than 10% of those people are actually successful in achieving their resolutions!

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into results


They don’t have the tools!

They’re afraid of change – they fear failure – they don’t know HOW to get started AND continue!

But here’s the deal…if you make a few temporary changes the results will simply be that – temporary. You won’t truly acheive what you’re setting out to do unless you make a CHANGE!

A change in the way you think – act- believe and yes – a change in your LIFESTYLE!

Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into results

So – what’s the deal?

For starters – its much easier said than done!

Making a lifestyle change – a HEALTHY lifestyle change isn’t always easy.

Some people will doubt you, some may not support you, some may even  say negative things and you may fear your ability to stick to it long term or when not at home. You’re afraid you don’t have the time or the money – But these are all just excuses – if you have a plan – you can overcome every single one of them – and then some!


Committing to a healthy eating and a consistent exercise routine may be HARD. But so is living in a body that you’re unhappy with.

Then take action. 

21 day fix results, challenge group success, challenge group results, 21 day fix results, Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, A goal without plans is simply a wish, fitness motivation, fitness inspiration, inspired mom, Beachbody, 3 day refresh cleanse beachbody ,Pittsburgh, New year new you, new years resolutions, help with weightloss, online support group, online health and fitness support group, tips for healthy living, tips for weightloss, fit mom, clean eating, hammer & chisel challenge group, Top Beachbody Coach, Elite Beachbody Coach, Elite top team, resolutions into resultsI’ve started and stopped my fair share of “changes” but nearly 2 years ago I made one change that forever changed my life.

I joined a challenge group.

An online accountability group filled with other women who had similar struggles as I did – similar fears – and similar goals – TO LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE!

I picked up a 21 day fix challenge group, followed the advice of my COACH, and joined a group!

I pushed play – in my home – for 30 minutes a day. I checking to the group for accountability, I took the advice shared, I utilized the meal plans and recipes that were suggested and low and behold – I GOT RESULTS!

So I ask you all to take this as a personal INVITATION to make this your year.

Your time to shine and your time to FOLLOW THROUGH with your commitment – your commitment to BE HEALTHIER! TO BE THE BEST YOU!

I’m kicking off my RESOLUTIONS INTO RESULTS challenge group January 4th and I am looking for 10 people to join me!

Join us and we’ll do this TOGETHER!

(Please fill out the application below to be considered for one of the 10 spots. Must not already be working with another coach!)


Post-Easter Fix & reFRESH!

Today marks 10 days out from Easter…the holiday of chocolate bunnies, sugary peeps, candy filled eggs, and temptations EVERYWHERE! I mean seriously – take a peak in the front door of Target…there is literally candy EVERYWHERE! And while its easy to think (and correct) that “one piece is A-Okay” that one piece tends to multiply and before you know it, you’re helping your kids look for their M&Ms that seem to have “disappeared”all of a sudden…trust me…I’ve been there!!!

But as Easter coincides with Spring we also know that Summer will then follow. As we sit 2 months out from Memorial Day I’ll admit I have SUMMER on my mind!!!  I know I want to feel and look my best this summer and I hope you do to! So…how do we combat this holiday craziness?


2015-03-24 22.29.04

Post-Easter Fix & reFRESH:

It is still hard for me to explain how drastically different I FEEL when I am eating clean, fueling my body with Shakeology – EVERY DAY – and exercising regularly! Naturally the results follow but its so much more than that. I am happier and healthier. I am a better mom and I am a better wife. I am more patient and all around HAPPIER…and I want everyone to have the opportunity to live a healthier and more fulfilling life too!

This group will provide you with daily clean eating tips, motivation, recipes so you do not get bored, and SHAKEOLOGY, a meal you can use EVERY day that is easy and convenient like those the stuff you find at those tempting Golden Arches or the overpriced lattes, but truly the HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY!

So…WHY Shakeology?

Shakeo cover

 It can help you:

  • Lose weight – especially if you replace a meal with Shakeology every day.
  • Reduce junk food cravings – drink it in the morning to enjoy this benefit throughout the day
  • Increase your energy and feel healthier.
  • Improve your digestion and regularity.


  • Fiber and probiotics help you “get regular” so you eliminate toxins built up in your digestive system.
  • Proprietary blend of prebiotics and probiotics help create a healthy intestinal tract which aids digestion.
  • A healthier digestive system makes it easier to absorb key nutrients.
  • Digestive enzymes also help your body to increase the absorption of nutrients.

Long story short – Shakeology is NOT a weight loss shake, nor a protein shake… This is a HEALTH shake that is including your dense nutrition, health benefits, and includes your daily multi-vitamin!

Trust me…you can’t get this in anything else – plus it tastes like a dessert!!

Support…the “group” – what is it?

My Easter FIX clean eating and Shakeology challenge is just that! You will get 30 Days of support, motivation, tips, recipes, and be surrounded by a group of people who have the same or similar goes as you! I can’t promise that it will be easy but I can promise that if you stick with it, commit and keep pushing, you will get the results you’re looking for!

3 day refresh, customer results, customer testimonialsFor an extra little boost, I am also giving a FREE  3 DAY REFRESH when you sign up with ME as YOUR coach and order your Shakeology in Home Direct (HD).
This simple easy to follow 3-day cleanse will help remove the toxins, bloating, and chemicals from your body and replace with it amino acids, enzymes, and more so you are starting FRESH!
To learn more about the 3 Day Refresh and see my personal results CLICK HERE! 
* This promotion will ONLY last until March 31st!

And while I feel like an infomercial…I have to say…THERE’S MORE…

Beachbody on demand programsHow would you like to have FREE access to 11 Beachbody programs as well as sneak peaks into the latest and greatest without having to buy any DVDs or make any additional financial commitment? Well its all yours! If you upgrade to a club membership you will get a FREE 30-day trial which includes access to Beachbody’s On Demand feature released this month! You can see the full details here but HERE but this is such a fabulous way to dabble with all of the trainers in a variety of programs before committing! Your initial payment of $38.87 occurs in 30 days and continues every 90-days, as long as you continue your Premium Club. If you decide its not for you – just cancel – no questions asked!
If you are ready to start your journey and give your body a fresh start to clean eating and create healthy habits, please fill out the application below for a spot in my next 30 day challenge!

Pick your Fix 21-Day Accountability Group

Wow – I can’t believe January has come and gone already! February is here tomorrow, February 2nd, not only brings another Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, PA but also the release of the much anticipated 21-DAY FIX EXTREME
It may be cold and snowy here now but if February flies by as fast as January just did it will be spring in no time!  And with spring time comes shorts, flip, flops, dresses and if you’re really lucky – maybe a spring vacay!!! Its time to get ready!!! 
Maegan Blinka, Pick your Fix accountability group, 21 day fix support group, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme test group,  30 minute workouts, Simple Nutrition, 21 days, Portion Controlled Eating guide, Bikini Competition Meal Plan, Autumn Calabrese new workout program, Bikini ready, Intense home DVD workout, Easy home DVD workout

I wanted to take a few minute to invite you all to my PICK YOUR FIX – Support and Accountability group – kicking off February 9th!
For those of you who are familiar with the original 21-day Fix home DVD workout program – Autumn Calabrese literally knocked this out of the ballpark! It sold out in days and we simply couldn’t keep it in stock – leaving it sold out for months! And I know this program is going to be a hit as well and I encourage you to snag it up when it is released – February 2nd – TOMORROW and be ONE OF THE FIRST to get amazing results and start your journey to a HAPPIER, and HEALTHIER YOU!
Between these two programs I truly believe there is a fit for EVERYONE!!! 
Start Simple – OR – Go Extreme:
If you’re still in the beginning phases of your journey perhaps the 21-day fix may be your ticket. Don’t get me wrong, these 30 minute workouts are still challenging but the low impact modifier allows anyone at any level to get started, and continue to progress as you get stronger! Simple portion controlled nutrition with these top to bottom workouts will surely help you reach your goals!!! this program is what helped me learn about nutrition and regular exercise and undoubtedly changed my life. You can read a bit more about my personal experience and this program HERE
If you’re a 21-day fix Grads or just someone up for a good fitness challenge and you’re ready to take things to the next level, then I invite you to join me with the 21-day Fix EXTREME. Autumn takes it up a few notches as she slims down the food choices from the original 21 day fix guide, adds in some new recipes and new options, turns up the intensity in the workouts and includes 2 meal plans – an Extreme 21 day guide as well as her very own bikini competition meal plan. You choose the one you want to follow and get RESULTS!!!! 
Regardless of which program you pick – my 21-Day PICK YOUR FIX Support and Accountability group willl help you get started, guide you through creating a nutrition plan that is going to be fit for YOU, maximize YOUR results, and serve as your support and accountability system from Day 1. 
We will all start together, end together and get results – TOGETHER! 
And lucky for you – both of these programs just happen to be part of the February PROMOTIONS!!!
If you’re not yet familiar with the 3-day refresh – you can check out my latest results. This little 3-day kit will be sure to start you off on the right foot and/or end your 21 days feeling amazing and naturally, REFRESHED! 
3 weeks of accountability, Maegan Blinka, Pick your Fix accountability group, 21 day fix support group, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme test group,  30 minute workouts, Simple Nutrition, 21 days, Portion Controlled Eating guide, Bikini Competition Meal Plan, Autumn Calabrese new workout program, Bikini ready, Intense home DVD workout, Easy home DVD workout
I have continued to do the 3-day refresh over the last few years. Here are some more recent results
Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Vacation prep, Punta cana prep, 3 Day refresh results, 3 Day Plant based vegan cleanse, Vegan detox, post holiday candy detox, natural energy booster, 3 day refresh meal plan, what do you eat on the 3 day refresh, how to bust through a weight loss plateau, how to break the sugar cycle, how to jumpstart your fitness journey, 3 day refresh tips, fitness journey tips, health tips, Pittsburgh area mom, Western PA health coach, Top Elite Beachbody Coach, 3 Day refresh results
Each month I run online accountability groups in my VIRTUAL WELLNESS STUDIO and I am excited to open enrollment for 10 new participants.
I recently finished the UPCOMING new release – SHIFT SHOP – and I cannot wait to get started with my next round of Boot campers for a 6 week TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.
6 week total body and mind transformation.jpg
If you would like a spot please fill out the application below! You know what they say – THERE’S POWER IN NUMBERS – and TOGETHER, anything is possible! 

Insanity Max: 30 Prep for final week

7 weeks down – only 1 to go!!!

Believe you can and you will, motivation, insanity max 30, Maegan Blinka

Its still hard to believe I’m one week shy of being an Insanity Max:30 GRADUATE! This program has been the most challenging fitness program I’ve ever done but I have to say…I’ve enjoyed every minute of it! Its all in the mind – believe you can and you will. Believe you can’t and well, you can’t!

Maegan Blinka, Insanity Max 30, progress, results, Max Out Cardio, Insanity Max 30 week 7, Insanity Max 30 month 2 schedule, Insanity Max: 30 meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan

Maegan Blinka, Insanity Max 30, progress, results, Insanity Max 30 week 7, Insanity Max 30 month 2 schedule, Respect the sweat, Insanity Max: 30 meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan

My hubby recently started a hybrid of Body Beast and Insanity Max:30 so we have been able to join forces a few times. Even though he is still in month 1 he decided he would jump into the Friday Fight Round 2…talk about a happy Friday morning wake up call!!! I’m not 100% positive but his comment to me at about the 6 minute mark was something like “he said WHAT…this dude is insane” – but of course he continued to push though…and because he believed he could – he DID!

Maegan Blinka, Insanity Max 30, progress, results, Insanity Max 30 week 7, Insanity Max 30 month 2 schedule, Insanity Max: 30 meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan, Fit Fam, Accountability, Husband wife workouts

Not much can beat a sweaty SMOOCH ❤

I was fortunate to have a surprise visit from my mama this weekend and with most visits comes an early morning workout! This time Aubrie joined us as well so we had 3 generations, sweating, laughing, making memories and getting FIT – together!!! I love when I asked her if we could Maegan Blinka, Insanity Max 30, progress, results, Insanity Max 30 week 7, Insanity Max 30 month 2 schedule, Insanity Max: 30 meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan, Fit Family, Accountability, Family workouts, Support, Mother daughter workoutsget a group picture and she immediately flexed…she’s so my daughter!!!

I don’t always do the optional Pulse workout but the timing was perfect this week! I always push myself harder when I work out with my hubby and the extra 10 minute ab attack really finished the week on a positive note!

With the final week staring me in the face I decided to make things a bit more simpler! I spent my Sunday planning my week and getting my meal plan together and focusing on reaching my goals! I really want to top all my prior max out times and I know in order to function at my max I have to fuel my body with the right foods.

I’m incorporating my new food obsession daily – man cakes – and sticking to basic, easy, balanced meals. We had a few social events this weekend that put me a little off track but I’m ready to focus and nail it this week!!!

Here’s my game plan!

And to all my 21-day fixers out there – the little color coded references stand true for you too!

Maegan Blinka, Insanity Max 30, progress, results, Insanity Max 30 week 7, Insanity Max 30 month 2 schedule, Insanity Max: 30 meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan, Man Cakes

If you are interested Insanity Max: 30, the 21-Day Fix or any other workout program and would like to get 1:1 coaching and support along with motivation and accountability, please fill out my challenge and accountability application below! I will share tips and recipes and I will help you with the one thing I always found so difficult – MEAL PLANNING!  Remember – your health and fitness success is 80% nutrition. You can get all the results and support you need right in your own home – and you don’t have to do it alone! 

Chocolate shakeology recipe, dairy free shakeology recipe, low calorie shakeology recipe, healthiest meal of the day

Caramel PB Chocolate Cheesecake Shakeo

Chocolate shakeology recipe, dairy free shakeology recipe, low calorie shakeology recipe, healthiest meal of the day

I’ve set a little challenge for myself – no milk or banana in my daily shakeo for two weeks! And no more greek yogurt! Why??? Well I used to be good with sticking to 1/2 cup of milk and 1/4 of a banana…but that 1/2 cup has been creeping its way up there…and the 1/4 of a banana has been more like a 1/2 and although I know these are both “healthy” foods…I feel best when I avoid all milk and I feel less bloated when I pass on the banana. Same goes with the yogurt…plus with blueberries out of season I’m struggling to find that perfect combo! With these little changes I decided to come up with a new shakeo recipe to fill the void:

Caramel PB Chocolate Cheesecake Shakeology


12 ounces of water

1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology

1 TBS Fat free/sugar free cheesecake pudding mix


1 tsp caramel extract

Lots of ice!!!


Blend until you reach the consistency you like! I prefer to “crush ice” first followed by “blend” for about 30 seconds. Like most of my shakeos – I eat it with a spoon! Perfect post-workout breakfast!!! All this an clocking in at about 200 calories – I’ll take it!!!

breakfast of champions, healthy breakfast, chocolate shakeology recipe, caramel shakeology recipe



21 day fix success story, 21-day fix transformation, transformation tuesday, shakeology success, home DVD workout program

21-day fix Success Story_Ann

I’m so excited to share my friend and fellow coach’s story with you! Ann and I went to high school together. She had commented on one of my facebook posts about doing the 21-day fix and after chatting a bit and I found out she hadn’t been working with a coach at all. So we hooked up, I sent her some Shakeology samples to try and she joined my challenge group and totally ROCKED it! The results of her hard work are shown below but words cannot express how proud of her I am!!! Way to go girl – this is the beginning of an amazing transformation!!! 

21 day fix success story, 21-day fix transformation, transformation tuesday, shakeology success, home DVD workout program

21-day fix Success

Meet Ann.

” I was at my heaviest weight ever even after losing my baby weight. I had no energy, I was exhausted, I was completely unhappy and my family relationships and friendships were taking the brunt of it. I saw my now coach’s amazing 21 day Fix transformation results and thought maybe that program could work for me. I had tried other weight loss programs, counted calories, worked out, but nothing clicked and I always gave up. So, I ordered the 21 day fix, committed the time to making myself better and saw a 10 lb weight loss and 10 inch loss in the first 21 days! Then I joined up with my coach and a challenge group, started drinking Shakeology, and lost another 10lbs! I’m so happy, confident, and I feel like ME again. My family says it all when they tell me the old me is back. I love Beachbody so much that I’m now starting on the coaching journey. My coach and support groups were a key to my success.”

21-day fix Extreme, new 21-day fix program, Autumn Calabrese

New Beachbody programs coming soon!

What could they come up with next??? Well let me tell you….

Oh my oh my!!! There are so many new program launches coming out!!! I pretty much have my workouts routines laid out for me from now until March!!! And what better way to get ripped, toned and in the best shape of my life than with some of America’s hottest trainers!!!!

Are you a fan of Tony Horton and the P90X programs? Did you get addicted to the little containers with Autumn Calabrese and the 21-day fix? Or do you love taking it to the extreme with Shaun T? Well regardless if you have one favorite or you like to switch it up with all 3 – there are some big changes coming to your Beachbody Home workout DVD library!!

p90, Tony Horton, new home workout program

P90 Coming SOON!

First is the release of P90 in October – Tony Horton has taken it back to the basics and focuses on fundamentals with 25 minute workouts and killer results! You can find more details about this program release HERE.


Insanity Max 30, Shaun T new workout program, Shaun T Insanity, Home workout program

Coming December 2014

Next will be Shaun T’s Insanity MAX 30 releasing in December!!! You may have dabbled in the original Insanity but found it all out insane and a bit long. Well he hit the nail on the head when he released T25 in 2013 offering 25 minute workout programs that will get you Ahmazing results but allowing anyone at anyone fitness level to adapt with a full inclusion of modifications at every move all packed into 25 minutes a day!

Well he’s at it again with the latest sweat-inducing, cardio fest!! INSANITY MAX:30 is coming this December 2014 and it will be the hardest 30 minutes of your day. You’ll be challenged to push harder than ever before, and you’ll see the best results of your life. Over 150 new moves and sequences feature killer cardio and tabata strength workouts. There’s no equipment needed and a modifier in every workout so anyone can push to their MAX.

How does it work?

It’s time to max out your workouts! What does that mean? To “MAX OUT” means to stop or fail for the first time in the workout. In INSANITY MAX:30, it’s not about getting through all 30 minutes, it’s about going as hard as you can for as long as you can, until you MAX OUT. When you start INSANITY MAX:30, you might only get through the first 5 minutes before you MAX OUT. Just record your MAX OUT time, catch your breath, and continue for as long as you can. Track your MAX OUT times over the course of the program. As long as you MAX OUT, you’ll get MAX RESULTS in 60 days guaranteed!


21-day fix Extreme, new 21-day fix program, Autumn Calabrese

Coming February 2015

And finally, for all my 21-day fixers out there…the 21-DAY FIX EXTREME will be coming in February 2015! 21 Day Fix EXTREME is the next program in the Fix product line.  It builds off the basics of 21 Day Fix and takes it to the next level. Combining no-nonsense portion control with steady state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves, 21 Day Fix Extreme is a complete functional fitness program that targets every muscle in the body to help you will torch calories while creating a leaner, stronger and more functional physique.



Do you want to be the first to know about these product launches? The latest development? Or the nitty gritty details? Just create your FREE account with teambeachbody HERE and I can assure you, you will be able to get your hands on these products weeks before the general public – but you have to be signed up with me as your coach first!!!

21 day fix breakfast, peach oatmeal, clean peaches and cream oatmeal, crunchy peaches and cream oatmeal, 21-day fix meal plan

Peaches-n-cream crunchy oatmeal

Did you know Chambersburg is known for its peaches?!? Well, I for one I had NO IDEA! However my amazing Coach, Deidra, just so happens live in Chambersburg and just so happens to be from the town I currently live in. Lucky for me she was visiting her family this weekend and brought home a bunch of peaches and shared with me!!! We got a little visit in and I got some fresh peaches – win win!!!

I’ve ate fresh peaches before, liked them, made them into baby food when my youngest was just starting out on fruits but to be honest I grew up on the canned stuff. The fuzz on an actual peach kind of scared me and I never quite knew how to cut around that pit?! Every time I tried I butchered the peach! Turns out…I just don’t think I ever had the right/ripe peach! This was easy peezy – slice all the way around and pull apart! DONE!

These peaches Deidra gave me are AHMAZING! They’re so juicy and have the perfect sweetness.

So now, what to do with my peach???

clean peaches and cream oatmeal, peach oatmeal, healthy breakfast, clean oatmeal, coach, fitmom, fitfam

What to do with my peaches?

I typically start my day the same exact way everyday. Wake up, drink my E&E, do my workout, have my Shakeology and get started with my day…but I’ve decided to switch things up – insert – Peaches-n-cream crunchy oatmeal for breakfast! And no, not the artificial prepackaged stuff either!


(I’ve added the coordinating 21-day fix containers for quick reference)

  • 1/2 Cup of rolled quick oats (or your favorite oats) – 1 YELLOW
  • 1/2 a Peach, diced – 1/2 PURPLE
  • 4 Halved Walnuts – 1/2 Blue


  • 1/4 – 1/2 Scoop Vanialla Protein Powder – This would count towards your reds…One serving of Whey Protein powder is considered to be 1.5 scoops – so depending on how much you put in would determine how to count it for your containers. I used about 1/4 and it was plenty!
  • tsp Honey


  1. Cook the oats according to package directions (I combined 1/2 cup oats with enough water to cover the oats completely and microwaved for 1 minute)
  2. Add your protein powder and/or honey, walnut pieces and diced peach – mix and enjoy!

21 day fix breakfast, peach oatmeal, clean peaches and cream oatmeal, crunchy peaches and cream oatmeal, 21-day fix meal plan

Perhaps the best part was – my toddler loved it! I left the walnuts out and didn’t use any sweetener but rather cooked his oats in almond milk and topped with the peaches…after the fact I thought cinnamon would have been a great add too – perhaps tomorrow!

Here’s to hoping you and your little ones enjoy!

toddler breakfast, peach oatmeal, clean oatmeal, 21-day fix

Fresh, clean and toddler approved Oatmeal

PIYO Drench, PIYO Week 8, PIYO Progress, workout at home,

PIYO Progress Week 8

And….I….DID IT!

I successfully completed 8 weeks of PIYO and absolutely loved the change to my workout routine!!!

Week 8 went a little something like this:

PIYO Week 8 Schedule

NOTE: I pushed my rest day to Sunday because that’s what worked best for ME – the joy of making my own workout schedule at home! 

I didn’t introduce anything new on the menu this week – although I did repeat the stuffed peppers from last week and the buffalo chicken quesadillas – always a hit with the entire fam!!!!

Buffalo chicken quesadilla, piyo meal plan, clean eating

Buffalo chicken and spinach quesadilla

And per usual, turkey burgers were on the menu! I added some grilled onions and let me tell you – the additional flavor was amazing!!! A little all natural salsa (courtesy of SAMs club) and you have one heck of a flavorful dinner! And better yet – make them in bulk and you just may get some lunches and/or an additional dinner – BONUS!

turkey burgers, piyo meal plan

And the week wouldn’t be complete without my daily dose of dense nutrition!!! I truly CRAVE this stuff. Despite the fact that I’ve had my shakeology EVERY DAY since February 24th, I still cannot get over the fact that something SO GOOD for you tastes like a dessert! Craziness I say, craziness!!! And yes, I blend it nice and thick so I can eat it with a spoon – I’ll take a little ice cream for breakfast 🙂

chocolate shakeology, shakeology recipes, piyo meal plan

Breakfast of champions!

Now to the burn….Although I truly love the DRENCH workout – I find that 48 minute length difficult to commit! But no worries – I nailed it not only once – but twice!

PIYO Drench, PIYO Week 8, PIYO Progress, workout at home, PIYO Week 8 Day 6

 Of all things, I’d have to say my balance is my greatest improvement. My balance has never been bad but I find myself able to hold poses longer and balance better now that I have completed this program. And I am certainly getting stronger!!!

PIYO BUNS, PIYO Week 8, PIYO Progress


PIYO Week 8, PIYO Progress, PIYO sweatPIYO, PIYO Week 8, PIYO Progress, strength,

I had a great week and when I look back I am able to see how far I’ve come! Excited to get the final results together and see a complete – start to finish!!!

If you’re interested in PiYO you can create a FREE team beachbody account HERE and fill out the form below for a spot in my next accountability group! Its never too late to get started and you can never have too much support along the way!!!