Love yourself – Summer Kickstart


Summer Kickoff July 18th Event cover.jpgWho’s ready to join me July 18th for my 4-week Love Yourself SUMMER Kickstart Challenge?

We will start with 7 days of PREP complete with meal planning, new ideas, recipes and tips to help you get up and running followed by our 3 week – 21 DAY Challenge!

Traveling? Vacation? Weddings? Company? NO PROBLEM!!!!

This is about finding ways to create a healthy LIFESTYLE with balance, fulfillment and RESULTS!

This group will combine both FITNESS & NUTRITION.

I am highlighting the 21-Day Fix and Fix Extreme this month as these two programs have been the most KEY in helping not only myself but the majority of my challengers but we will discuss what is best for YOU!

You can expect sample meal plans during the group but you’ll have the freedom and flexibility to make these specific plans fit YOUR lifestyle.

This group requires that I AM YOUR COACH & that you commit to a fitness program that we will decide on together.

Each participant will replace one meal with our nutrient dense superfood meal replacement, Shakeology and I’ll provide you with the support, motivation and drive to not only COMMIT but follow through with your commitment.

There will only be 15 participants selected this round so it will be based on a first come first serve basis!!!!

Anyone who enrolls by the end of day July 15th will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.

Fill out the application below, invite some friends & get pumped up!!!


Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, What is energize, Tips on how to wake up earlier, How to workout early in the morning, Bikini Bootcamp, Online Bikini Bootcamp, How to get bikini ready in 3 weeks, Online support groups,

Top tips to get in a morning workout

Want to know a secret? I don’t like getting up at 5:00am to workout🙈

tips for morning person

Yup! I said it!

But here’s the deal…when it comes to my schedule and our typical day…if it doesn’t happen bright and early before the kiddos wake up…it just doesn’t happen! I am not an exercise in the evening person!

And while I don’t love peeling myself out of bed at 5:00am…I do LOVE the health benefits of consistent, daily exercise…and the impact on the waistline isn’t too shabby either!

So here’s my tips to ensuring my snooze doesn’t turn into an unplanned rest day:

1. Set the alarm…or 3 alarms but put the phone ACROSS the room so you HAVE to get out of bed to grab it. You may lay back in bed for a snooze but chances are when you stand up…if you can repeat over and over to yourself I’M AWAKE 3x chances are…you’ll just get to it!

2. Sleep in your workout clothes! Its one less step and one less thing to think about it in the morning! And if you don’t want to sleep in them…AT LEAST lay them out the night before!

3. As soon as you pop out of bed – down a pre-workout drink like ENERGIZE!


4. Commit to a SCHEDULE. I don’t like to fall off schedule so knowing that each day I am doing a particular workout or focusing on a particular part of my body helps me stay committed.

5. Tell a friend! Find a buddy or accountability partner who is working towards similar goals as you. Whether its a verbal commitment or an early morning text to simply say “let’s crush it” may be all you need to get up and get moving!

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When you combine these things you will be setting yourself up for SUCCESS!!!

Don’t know where to start?! Email me at or simply fill out the application below for my upcoming BIKINI BOOTCAMP!

Bikini Bootcamp cover

You’re worth it!

Sweating for the Wedding Success

Nothing – NOTHING can beat that message you get when someone reaches out to you sharing their weightless successes knowing that YOU had a huge play in that! That FEELING…that FEELING of knowing that you helped change their lives is priceless…and that’s exactly what I got when Kelly shared her 34 pound weightless with me!!!

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Kelly and I had connected through social media leading up to her wedding. She got started but hadn’t yet committed but when that dress fitting came around she realized it was crunch time!!!

Needless to say, she was fueled by her quickly approaching wedding date and bound and determined to look and feel her best on her big day!
With a combo of the 21-day fix followed by a round of the Fix Extreme, and commitment to our challenge group – Kelly worked hard to shred off 34…yes 3-4 pounds in the 9 weeks leading up to her wedding!
👉We’re there off days? Sure!
👉Missed workouts and cheat meals? Of course!
👉A super fun bachelorette party and wedding shower day…it looked like it!
But regardless she would always jump right back in and I think it’s pretty safe to say she won the day!!! I am so proud of her accomplishments and the confidence she has gained to stand tall on her day and SHINE BRIGHT!!!
But here’s the thing… you don’t NEED a “big day” to change your life. Sure, those life events often trigger the mind to make that decision along with a new baby and other transitions in life but no matter what – you have the power to become a better YOU. To be happy, healthy & confident from the inside out and I would love to help you get there!
If you’re interested in learning more about the 21-day fix workout program and the challenge group that Kelly committed to which helped her get incredible results then fill out the application below.
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Must not already be working with a coach
Must be ready to make a change and invest in your health & overall fitness
Must select a workout program that they will enjoy and commit to at least 30 days of fueling your body with the healthiest meal of the day, Shakeology!
Could you be my next transformation?

Transformation Thursday – 21 Day Fix Success Story

There are a lot of reasons WHY I coach but one thing that plays HEAVY in that decision and goal board is being able to share in the successes of my challengers and those who have made a decision to INVEST in themselves!!!

Em Vigil results

Em has completed 2 rounds of the 21-day fix and well, as you can see, she has received some pretty amazing results!!!


“My first round my focus was on weight and the scale something I pretty much have always had a struggle with. However this round my focus was on inches and trying not to obsess over the scale. I cannot even begin to express how important it is to forget the scale and look at all those NSVs!! It is so much healthier to look at those at least for me. I have lost a total of 12lbs and my victory 8.5 inches!!!! I plan to keep going and I can’t wait to figure out what my new goals will be as I continue on this journey to a healthy happier ME. Thank you ladies for keeping me accountable and making this journey a reality instead of just a dream that would drag me down.”

Its not just about the transformation you can see but rather that transformation you cBusy moms find balance ad with 3 day refreshan FEEL on the inside! Being able to share in these transformations fills my cup!!!

The secret is in the combo deal! If you practice a few basic principles over 4 weeks with the support and accountability of our online group you will see results WHILE developing a new healthier, more BALANCED life that you can maintain long after our time together is over!!!

If you are ready for a clean break from bad habits then join my Busy Moms Finding BALANCE support group! You can utilize the 3-day refresh to kick those bad habits and jump in full force or simply start with your workout program but know that you have a tribe of women supporting you every step of the way!!!

There’s power in numbers!!!

Challenger results with PiYo

Talk about some PIYO POWER!!

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One of my absolute FAVORITE parts about being a Beachbody Coach is being able to share in the success of my challengers! And when I saw this mom of two’s results I immediately asked her if I could share!

The thing that stands out the most from these last 3 months is her COMMITMENT and needless to say her results show it!!!

From the beginning of our challenge group, Kris has been dedicated to her daily stretch/strength/cardio combo and replacing one meal a day with Shakeology!

I always say there’s no secret formula…it’s simple nutrition, daily exercise and support-every step of the way! until this way of life is your LIFESTYLE!


My End of Summer Bootcamp is kicking off next Monday…

Are you ready for a change?
Are you ready for a healthy, active, energized life?

Could you be next?

Come join us!

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Fill out the application below –  Only 👉5👈applicants will be selected!!!

Challenge group requirements:

  • Must not be currently working with another coach 
  • Challenge pack or Shakeology HD purchase 
  • Be ready to COMMIT!

2015-08-15 23.59.00

COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER Accountability Group


Maegan Blinka, Countdown to summer, Beachbodys Military discount program, benefits of beachbody coaching for military members, Why buy a challenge pack, Memorial Day weekend, Support group, accountability group, What does the 21 day fix challenge pack include, what can you expect with a 21 day fix challenge group or accountability group, what is the key to weightloss success

Summer is just around the corner and June 21st will be here before you know it!!!

But I get it…Memorial Day comes first…and MAYBE you want to kick back and relax, MAYBE you want to enjoy a guilt free beverage or two….or even three…or you want to indulge in a slice of pie or a GIANT cookie…I get it. I totally understand.

But…whether you’re planning to stay on track through the holiday weekend or whether you’re going to just live it up…when the weekend is over and Tuesday morning comes the fun will be over and I will be starting a new accountability group and I am INVITING –>YOU

We will be COUNTING DOWN to the first day of summer with the proven effective, and my personal favorite – the 21-day fix!

my 21 day fix results, Maegan Blinka, Countdown to summer, Beachbodys Military discount program, benefits of beachbody coaching for military members, Why buy a challenge pack, Memorial Day weekend, Support group, accountability group, What does the 21 day fix challenge pack include, what can you expect with a 21 day fix challenge group or accountability group, what is the key to weightloss success, it takes 21 days to make a habit, tired mom gets results with Beachbody's 21 day fix

My Round 1 – 21 Day Fix Results


  • Daily support
  • 1:1 guidance
  • Accountability
  • Tips
  • Meal plans
  • Motivation
  • That fit fam connection between other driven people with similar goals!

This program is totally what got me started on my own journey and continues to be one of the most popular home fitness DVD work out programs and the most effective…WHY…because it WORKS!

21 day fix day of meals


  • 30 minute workouts which include everything from Upper and Lower Body, Pilates, Yoga, and Cardio and more (Check out this video clip)
  • Color coded portion control containers and a nutrition guide that will help you learn to FUEL your body with the right foods to keep you energized, full, and satisfied!
  • 30 Meal Replacements with SHAKEOLOGY
  • Me, as your COACH to  help support you along the way!!!

And if you’re thinking you just can’t do it or it won’t work for you then I CHALLENGE you to give me 21 days. Follow the meal plan, drink your Shakeology EVERY DAY, press play to a 30 minute workout and hold yourself accountable and I PROMISE you the results will follow!

You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great Maegan Blinka, Countdown to summer, Beachbodys Military discount program, benefits of beachbody coaching for military members, Why buy a challenge pack, Memorial Day weekend, Support group, accountability group, What does the 21 day fix challenge pack include, what can you expect with a 21 day fix challenge group or accountability group, what is the key to weightloss success

Also – for all you VETERANS out there and ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN – You can actually sign up as a coach FOR FREE – Enjoy the DISCOUNT I get as a coach as a thank you for all your service, sacrifice and dedication!

Military Discount, Maegan Blinka, Countdown to summer, Beachbodys Military discount program, benefits of beachbody coaching for military members, Why buy a challenge pack, Memorial Day weekend, Support group, accountability group, What does the 21 day fix challenge pack include, what can you expect with a 21 day fix challenge group or accountability group, what is the key to weightloss success

Fill out this application to join – THERE’S POWER IN NUMBERS!


T25 results, do challenge groups work, what is a challenge group, what is a health and fitness support group, challenge group success story, T25 and 21 day fix hybrid results, Shakeology results, fit mom, Maegan Blinka, 21 day fix results,

Melissa Brown Success Story

Check out these amazing results from my Challenger, and now fellow COACH, Melissa Brown!

T25 results, do challenge groups work, what is a challenge group, what is a health and fitness support group, challenge group success story, T25 and 21 day fix hybrid results, Shakeology results, fit mom, Maegan Blinka, 21 day fix results,

Melissa joined my New Year, New You Health and Fitness Accountability group and didn’t nothing short of go ALL IN!!!

She truly is what I would refer to as the “perfect challenger”- now was she perfect with everything for 60 days straight?! Of course not… but she did do exactly what I would hope for with each of my challengers: she committed to the program, she committed to herself, she committed to drinking Shakeology daily and she committed to holding herself accountable by checking into our support group EVERY DAY!!!! And well-as you can see the results followed!!!

Here is what she had to say about her journey: 

“I have lost 19 pounds; 12 of my pounds were lost doing T-25 for the first 30 days and 7 of my pounds were lost next with the 21 Day Fix. In these 60 days, I have learned about meal prep, balanced eating, making healthier choices for food on a daily basis, etc.. Yes, I do eat and I eat more than I did before I started my journey! Nutrition is 80% of the equation!! I absolutely give credit to my meal replacement that I drink for breakfast on my way to work (p.s. I love having one meal full of vitamins and nutrients that I do not have to plan for :)) I have done all of my exercising from the comfort of my home. It is part of my daily schedule and I am able to exercise in the AM, while my baby girl naps, after work (sometimes pressing play at 10:30 PM; no excuses) or my little girl even works out with me. I am amazed of what these 60 days has done for me and the strength that I have both physically and mentally. I have been able to realize this through the support of my coach and through the support of my 60 day accountability group. Do not EVER think you are alone or that it is NEVER possible for you to reach your fitness goals. I am proof that it is POSSIBLE!!!”

I am so proud to be able to share in Melissa’s journey and all those who joined my challenge group!  There really is POWER IN NUMBERS – Could you be next?

fitness support nutrition success

If you’d like to learn more about what is involved with my Health & Fitness Accountability groups, fill out the application below!!!

21 Day Fix Extreme Results

Last Sunday I wrapped up my first round of the 21-day fix extreme. To be honest, at first, I felt like I totally failed. My weight remained the SAME. Unchanged in 3 weeks with what is truly one of the most amazing programs combining effective 30 minute at-home workouts with easy to follow nutrition. You get a little bit of everything but I didn’t get the “extreme” results that I’ve seen others share…

Maegan Blinka, Just push play, Beachbody home DVD workout results, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix extreme results, before pictures, does the 21 day fix extreme work, food is fuel, Results with the 21-day fix extreme


So how did this happen…I didn’t follow the nutrition! I started this program looking for ABS and although I still believe this program will help me get there…it didn’t happen, not this time. I let life events get in my way…stress, personal health issues, social get togethers…my WHY wasn’t big enough. But at the same time – I’m still HAPPY with my results even though I didn’t meet my initial goal of killer ABS. 

Maegan Blinka, Just push play, Beachbody home DVD workout results, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix extreme results, before pictures, does the 21 day fix extreme work, food is fuel, Results with the 21-day fix extreme

^I did lose an inch off my waist, belly button and hips.
^I learned that cod and tilapia at 10am can become a meal and cold veggies travel well smile emoticon
^I learned that one pound of cinnamon roasted almonds in 3 days will make you feel extremely bloated!
^And coconut oil is a staple in my daily life!

So while I’d love to show you an amazing 21 day transformation – I can’t…I don’t have one! But what I can share is something else this program helped me realize. As I scanned through my before and after pictures and my stats I realized something that I didn’t realize at the beginning. I actually started this program 2 pounds HEAVIER than I was a year ago when I wasn’t even working out or eating clean – say WHAT?!?!

On the left: Last February, the day before I started my very first challenge group and started a journey that would leave a lasting impact on my life, and all those around me! Happy – YES! Healthy? Not even close!

Maegan Blinka, Just push play, Beachbody home DVD workout results, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix extreme results, before pictures, does the 21 day fix extreme work, food is fuel, Results with the 21-day fix extreme

On the right: This February the day before I started the 21-Day Fix EXTREME…a year into my own journey as a Beachbody coach working continuously to be the best version of me. Happy? Heck yes! Healthy? You better believe it!!!!

Maegan Blinka, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix extreme results, before pictures, does the 21 day fix extreme work, food is fuel, Results with the 21-day fix extremeReflecting on these pictures helped me realize…weight is JUST A NUMBER!!! So of course I had to do an “official” comparison. So below you will see my before pictures for both the 21 Day Fix  and 21 Day Fix Extreme and the bottom pictures show what each program did for me…in just 21 days!  I am focusing today on measuring my success on what I can do:

**I can carry the 70+pounds of my kiddos on my hips, up and down the stairs with ease…
**I can give my kiddos horsey rides all throughout the house…their giggles alone are enough to help me stay HEALTHY
**I’ve learned to BALANCE..we bake cookies and we bake sweet potatoes…we go out for pizza and we go out for delicious salads
**We exercise, we have fun, and we live our life to its fullest and I help others do the same!!!

There’s always a story, there’s always more than meets the eye – DIG DEEP and find what you’re living for – what makes your light SHINE BRIGHT.

For me…its my health and happiness!

I know I’m not perfect but its progress…and I’m going to be progressing forward!!! If you want to join me on this journey comment below or send me a PM…like I always say – THERE’S POWER IN NUMBERS!!!

Maegan Blinka, Just push play, Beachbody home DVD workout results, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix extreme results, before pictures, does the 21 day fix extreme work, food is fuel, Results with the 21-day fix extreme


I still think I can get the results I’m dreaming of and I’m going to give it another go! We have lots of fun and some family travels coming up and we also have our ALL EXPENSE PAID vacation to Cancun with my Beachbody family in April…so I will be doing this again and I will get those CUT ABS!!!

If you are interested in this program, the original 21-day fix or any other workout program and would like to get 1:1 coaching and support along with motivation and accountability, please fill out my challenge and accountability application below! I will share tips and recipes and I will help you with the one thing I always found so difficult – MEAL PLANNING!  Remember – your health and fitness success is 80% nutrition. You can get all the results and support you need right in your own home – and you don’t have to do it alone! 

Pick your Fix 21-Day Accountability Group

Wow – I can’t believe January has come and gone already! February is here tomorrow, February 2nd, not only brings another Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, PA but also the release of the much anticipated 21-DAY FIX EXTREME
It may be cold and snowy here now but if February flies by as fast as January just did it will be spring in no time!  And with spring time comes shorts, flip, flops, dresses and if you’re really lucky – maybe a spring vacay!!! Its time to get ready!!! 
Maegan Blinka, Pick your Fix accountability group, 21 day fix support group, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme test group,  30 minute workouts, Simple Nutrition, 21 days, Portion Controlled Eating guide, Bikini Competition Meal Plan, Autumn Calabrese new workout program, Bikini ready, Intense home DVD workout, Easy home DVD workout

I wanted to take a few minute to invite you all to my PICK YOUR FIX – Support and Accountability group – kicking off February 9th!
For those of you who are familiar with the original 21-day Fix home DVD workout program – Autumn Calabrese literally knocked this out of the ballpark! It sold out in days and we simply couldn’t keep it in stock – leaving it sold out for months! And I know this program is going to be a hit as well and I encourage you to snag it up when it is released – February 2nd – TOMORROW and be ONE OF THE FIRST to get amazing results and start your journey to a HAPPIER, and HEALTHIER YOU!
Between these two programs I truly believe there is a fit for EVERYONE!!! 
Start Simple – OR – Go Extreme:
If you’re still in the beginning phases of your journey perhaps the 21-day fix may be your ticket. Don’t get me wrong, these 30 minute workouts are still challenging but the low impact modifier allows anyone at any level to get started, and continue to progress as you get stronger! Simple portion controlled nutrition with these top to bottom workouts will surely help you reach your goals!!! this program is what helped me learn about nutrition and regular exercise and undoubtedly changed my life. You can read a bit more about my personal experience and this program HERE
If you’re a 21-day fix Grads or just someone up for a good fitness challenge and you’re ready to take things to the next level, then I invite you to join me with the 21-day Fix EXTREME. Autumn takes it up a few notches as she slims down the food choices from the original 21 day fix guide, adds in some new recipes and new options, turns up the intensity in the workouts and includes 2 meal plans – an Extreme 21 day guide as well as her very own bikini competition meal plan. You choose the one you want to follow and get RESULTS!!!! 
Regardless of which program you pick – my 21-Day PICK YOUR FIX Support and Accountability group willl help you get started, guide you through creating a nutrition plan that is going to be fit for YOU, maximize YOUR results, and serve as your support and accountability system from Day 1. 
We will all start together, end together and get results – TOGETHER! 
And lucky for you – both of these programs just happen to be part of the February PROMOTIONS!!!
If you’re not yet familiar with the 3-day refresh – you can check out my latest results. This little 3-day kit will be sure to start you off on the right foot and/or end your 21 days feeling amazing and naturally, REFRESHED! 
3 weeks of accountability, Maegan Blinka, Pick your Fix accountability group, 21 day fix support group, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme test group,  30 minute workouts, Simple Nutrition, 21 days, Portion Controlled Eating guide, Bikini Competition Meal Plan, Autumn Calabrese new workout program, Bikini ready, Intense home DVD workout, Easy home DVD workout
I have continued to do the 3-day refresh over the last few years. Here are some more recent results
Maegan Blinka, Megan Blinka, Vacation prep, Punta cana prep, 3 Day refresh results, 3 Day Plant based vegan cleanse, Vegan detox, post holiday candy detox, natural energy booster, 3 day refresh meal plan, what do you eat on the 3 day refresh, how to bust through a weight loss plateau, how to break the sugar cycle, how to jumpstart your fitness journey, 3 day refresh tips, fitness journey tips, health tips, Pittsburgh area mom, Western PA health coach, Top Elite Beachbody Coach, 3 Day refresh results
Each month I run online accountability groups in my VIRTUAL WELLNESS STUDIO and I am excited to open enrollment for 10 new participants.
I recently finished the UPCOMING new release – SHIFT SHOP – and I cannot wait to get started with my next round of Boot campers for a 6 week TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.
6 week total body and mind transformation.jpg
If you would like a spot please fill out the application below! You know what they say – THERE’S POWER IN NUMBERS – and TOGETHER, anything is possible! 

Maximizing technology to stay fit

Let’s face it – sticking to any goal you’ve set for yourself, can be a challenge, but ones involving health and fitness tend to be the hardest.

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There are temptations EVERYWHERE! School, work, birthday parties, kiddos snack bags, social gatherings, the gas station, grocery store etc… Luckily, there are some great tools available to help us keep closer tabs on how well we’re doing and make sure those goals become results!

I was recently talking to Andrea Powers of Oscar Health Insurance, a Health Insurance provider in the New York/New Jersey area who uses technology to make things simpler! She asked the question – “How has technology helped you manage your health” and it didn’t take long for me to come up my top 3 resources and subsequently 3 things that keep me going on a day to day basis!

1) Online Accountability Group

My 90 Day Challenge group results

My 90 Day Challenge group results

I began my personal fitness journey March 2013,  looking to shed a few post baby pounds and gain some energy so I could be more present in my kids lives!

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I started with the 21-day fix home workout program, incorporated Shakeology and Clean Eating AND joined a Challenge group. Quickly something just clicked. I started looking at all food items in relation to the colored container they fell into and really learned portion control and I found myself setting my alarm daily so I could get my workout in and share with everyone else in the group when I completed it and how great it felt. I started seeing results…quickly! What was this secret sauce? THE COMBINATION OF ALL 3. That combination of regular, daily exercise, balanced, clean eating, and the accountability and support of a challenge group – GOT ME SUCCESS!

I had tried exercising but could never stick to it. I had (thought) I was eating healthy (although it wasn’t as “clean” as I thought) but I never had a group of people right there to help me and support me as well as guide me and give me tips on how to make this whole thing work!!!! After all, you can only eat so many steamed veggies and grilled chicken!!!!

You see, I had purchased my challenge pack under my Coach, and she immediately added me into this closed group on Facebook. Although unsure at first I found what had previously been missing from my fitness routine – Support & Accountability! Sure my husband was incredible support, but there was something about this private group. We were all working towards our goals, some the same and some different, but we all had goals in mind and we knew what we had to do to get there and we were going to do it – TOGETHER!

These little online accountability groups – all ran through a closed Facebook group – were the missing piece to my success! And I didn’t stop with my first one either! After seeing how this all fit together, I began coaching others and helping them become happier and healthier too! I continue to run these challenge groups and continue to thrive off the success of my challengers!!! And the ripple effect keeps on going!!!

Another BIG key to my success comes from being PREPARED.

2) Meal planning

Insanity Max 30 week 2 Meal Plan

Example Meal Plan


Yes – as simple as it may be, the meal plan word document I create each week helps me more than I could have ever thought! I’ll admit I wasn’t too excited about making a meal plan when it was suggested to me in my first challenge group,  but after “winging” it more times than I’d like to admit I found out that I do a LOT better when I write it down.  Typing it all out in a word document in one week increments and seeing the full week at a glance really helped me in the balancing each week. I am all about healthy, clean eating but I’m also all about balance in more ways than one. I am a busy mom and for some reason that 5:00 hour seems to be that time when the kids NEED everything and I’m TRYING to cook. Enter – meal prep and planning!!! The upfront time on Sunday or Monday is more than worth it later in the week plus it saves me $$$ too as I know exactly what I need to buy and helps reduce those impulse purchases at the store and/or wasting produce we don’t need! Its a win win all around!

There are a lot of great apps out there to track your daily food but I stuck with a simple meal plan!!! That’s what works for me!

3) Fit Bit

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It didn’t take long for me to realize that healthy eating and regular exercise just made for a healthier family all around. My husband bought me a fitbit for Mother’s Day and it was months before that little band was taken off, with the exception of a quick overnight charge! Not only did the fitbit help me realize how much activity I had during the day, it also helped me guage my weight, and sleep! There is just something about that sense of accomplishment when you feel the buzzer go off when you’ve hit your daily goal!

In talking to Andrea she mentioned the MisFit program they offer their customers. These MisFit bands sync with their app which helps members earn up to $240 a year simply by hitting daily fitness goals! How cool is that – you get paid to WALK!

I hope you can see from the above that staying on track with your health and fitness goals doesn’t have to be complicated. It may take some upfront planning, some time, and a commitment that today is the day, but with a little support and the right tools, you have the opportunity to be the happiest and healthiest YOU!

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If you would like to join my next challenge group or if you just have questions in general about getting started or jumping back in wherever it is that you left off, please fill out the application below and tell me a little bit more about you!