Success Stories


 Sure, you may have watched an infomercial or two showing some pretty amazing before and after shots from Beachbody programs like Insanity, T25, 21-day fix, Turbo Fire, Shakeology and others but do you find it hard to believe in those when you don’t have a connection to them? When you haven’t had the opportunity to really watch someone transform? If you ever questioned whether or not these programs work then check out  some of these amazing transformations that were shared in our online accountability/challenge group!

These are real people who have committed themselves to a workout regimen, eating clean and replacing one meal a day with Shakeology. And bam – hello new YOU!! Yes, they look amazing but its nothing short of a lot of hard work and endless dedication. These results didn’t happen overnight – but we worked together – and you can see that what may not have been easy is certainly worth it! But you don’t have to do this alone. I will help you customize meal plan. I will provide you with recipes, motivation and accountability so that you have the support to keep going and NEVER GIVE UP! Best part – you don’t even need to leave your house!! You need a few feet of space, internet, and  ME! I am living proof that these programs work, so let me mentor you through a program and change your life!  One more perk – your personal beachbody coach (ME) is free!  Yes, you just need to create a team beachbody account. Together we can transform your body and you can be the next success story to share with the world or your family and friends!!

I’ll start with myself. This one word is how I got to where I am today. I saw a transformation. I joined a 21-day challenge group in February of 2014 in hopes to lose 3 pounds, that’s all, 3 pounds to put me at my pre-baby weight. Not only did I lose those 3 pounds I gained a whole new perspective on life. 

Of course the visual changes were great, I liked the way my clothes fit and shopping was a bit more fun because I was more confident. But it was the way I as feeling inside about myself that helped me push my shoulders back and hold my head high. I worked HARD for these results. I sacrificed sleep so I could work out, I passed on foods that were once my old favorites and you know what? It felt amazing reaching my goals! 

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Those 21-days were just the beginning. I have continued pushing myself and striving to reach my goals. My health and fitness is now part of who I am and I couldn’t be more thankful. 

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But don’t just take my word for it!

Meet Shannon


Shannon joined her first challenge group in October 2016 after struggling with consistent exercise and she knew something was missing. A busy mom, social worker, student, fiancé, and soldier …she made a commitment and followed through!

Her pictures say it all but you can read more about her story HERE.

Meet Jen


Jen has been a challenger with me for quite sometime and if I had to pick one thing that comes to mind when I think of her – its her positivity and SMILE!

Here’s what Jen had to share regarding her own journey thus far:

“I’ve struggled with weight my entire life. I did the yo-yo diets and even lost 90lbs unhealthily. I had a baby (now 12) and got married. Life was great. My life spiraled out of control February 8th 2008, I gained 100lbs shortly after my husband died. I lost my house, job and myself. Food and being lazy were my world!
I’ve tried losing weight no success I gained more. My boyfriend’s co-workers sister in law Shawna told me about BB and Shakeology, she said could help me get what I wanted. On September 2014 I joined my first challenge group, 21 Day fix I believe that’s when I was introduced to Maegan. I wasn’t sure what to expect. They said post how your day was, workouts, water, food and shake. I was like OK no one is gonna care what I have to say. Boy, was I wrong. I lost I think 12lbs and gained so much inspiration from this group. I joined every challenge group offered after that. Wow, the overwhelming support you get from people you never met telling you great job or I understand…..meant the world to me. I now understand that I’m not alone in my journey and I can do this.
I look at these groups as a way to help myself when I feel like quiting and help others when I feel empowered. It’s a great way to share my concerns, struggles, recipes and just how I feel.
As of today I’ve lost 73lbs, it’s a slow process for me due to my feet, hips and back not cooperating. Someone wise (my daughter) told me that slow and steady wins the race. I’m 25lbs from my goal weight, I’m able to do real push-ups and have a heart full of inspiration.
I encourage everyone to join a challenge group you won’t be sorry!”

So proud of her for allowing herself to be VULNERABLE and to share her store in order to inspire others!!!

Meet Kathy.

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Kathy lost 52 pounds in just 4.5 months and transformed on the inside as much as the outside. She has more energy, more confidence and feels great. Read her complete story HERE. 

Meet Melissa:

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Melissa joined my New Year, New You Health and Fitness Accountability group and didn’t nothing short of go ALL IN!!!

She truly is what I would refer to as the “perfect challenger”- now was she perfect with everything for 60 days straight?! Of course not… but she did do exactly what I would hope for with each of my challengers: she committed to the program, she committed to herself, she committed to drinking Shakeology daily and she committed to holding herself accountable by checking into our support group EVERY DAY!!!! And well-as you can see the results followed!!! See more about her story HERE.

Meet Kris:

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Kris joined her first challenge group in May with PiYo and never looked back! She was consistent and dedicated and the results followed! So proud of all she’s done and all those she inspired along the way! See more HERE.

Meet Linda. 

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Linda is what I like to call “Fit, Fabulous and over 50”! Linda joined a challenge group in May and quickly saw the results of  combining nutrition, exercise and support to get great success!

She got incredible results with the 21-day fix and went on to complete PIYO as well. Read more about Linda’s journey HERE. 

Meet Mary.

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Mary is a bride-to-be who was looking to “tone” up for the big day. She was a little hesitant to join the group too soon before her wedding not knowing if she was going to start something that she couldn’t continue. However, Mary quickly learned this lifestyle isn’t a short term thing! They way you feel when you are fueling your body with the right foods and getting in that daily dose of exercsise cannot be matched! Mary lost 7.5 inches in her first 21-days and 4 pounds…and is continuing this healthier way of living! Looking forward to seeing the post-wedding pictures 🙂

Meet Erin

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Erin and I met in my first challenge group in 2014. Erin is a beautiful mama of two little ladies and decided it was time to take control of her life and show her girls a healthy way of living. Erin used T25 for just 60 days, ate clean and drank Shakeology…!  And yes, you read that right…she lost 30 pounds and 39 INCHES in just 2 months!!! Erin is truly an inspiration to so many moms out there – yes you can do this!!! Commit to yourself and your family and know that you are not alone. Seek help and support and as a team we will help you reach those goals! Erin also is a Beachbody coach and continues helping others reach success the way she did! 


  Ok – so I had to include another picture of Erin because this mama just continues to inspire me! Erin had so many things that could have stood in her way of her success as excuses but instead they became her “why” – the reason she continued to push herself day in and day out! She works as a nurse, she has two busy little ones and she’s a wife but she made her health and fitness a priority!! Fast forward a few weeks after she wrapped up T25 and check out these 21-day fix results – 40 pounds and 52 inches GONE!

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Hard work pays off!

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Meet Julia.

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Oh how I love being able to share the success of challengers who took that step, committed, and changed their life for the better! And I am so darn proud of Julia O’Neal and her continued dedication!!! She showed up everyday to the group – pushed play every morning, fueled her body with the proper nutrition including her daily dose of Shakeology and she got some pretty amazing results – and it all started with the 21-day fix! And better yet, she not only improved her own health and fitness but her family too!

Meet Ann.

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Ann completely changed her life from the inside out starting with a commitment to the 21-day fix! The change in her facial expression alone is enough to realize the positive changes that can come as a result of hard work, dedication and support! Read more of Ann’s story HERE.

Meet Melissa:

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Melissa took a ‘no excuses” attitude and put it to good use! This busy mama stuck to the 10-week T25 workout program, incorporated shakeology and shredded some serious pounds and inches. You can read more HERE.


Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Beachbody product or extended the program to achieve their maximum results. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product, especially if you have any unique medical conditions or needs. The contents on our website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Beachbody, LLC is the owner of the Shakeology, Beachbody, and Team Beachbody trademarks, and all related designs, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


There’s no magic pill, no silver bullet, there’s no secret – YOU have to want to change, YOU have to be ready to change and YOU have to commit to yourself. And if you do, great things will happen. 

Are you ready?

Join one of my upcoming challenge groups. 


*Must not be working with another coach 

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