The 4 things I was told to limit after my auto immune diagnosis

When I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 2 days after my college graduation I was told limit:

⏭️ alcohol, dairy, gluten and processed sugar.

Ya’ll – Did you read that last sentence?!

I was a 21 year old freshly graduated from college young adult – who – may I add – was about to spend 4 months living my best life at the beach…

Naturally I rolled my eyes back to that doc and took the script to the pharmacy to fill the prescription that I would refill monthly for the 7 years that followed – popping a pill 3x daily.

I lived the auto immune disease life feeling like a victim until one day, a decision to try and prove an infomercial wrong left me feeling better than ever wondering if maybe just maybe the food I was eating did in fact impact more than the waistline!

That product I added in 9.5 years ago became a staple in my daily routine as did the healthy habits I began implementing and the reason why I began sharing publicly on social media.

Because there is no doubt there is another mama out there making emergency runs to the bathroom & trying to survive off popping pills who doesn’t yet understand your daily FOOD CHOICES MATTER.


Perhaps there was a reason behind grandmas everywhere forcing us to “eat our veggies” back in the 90s!

Now let me say I am not a doctor.

But I am a mama – who once struggled daily to have the energy to keep up with her little kiddos – who learned how POWERFUL daily nutrition choices are and who is committed to helping other mamas unlock that for themselves too!!!

I’m going to be hosting a new type of wellness challenge:

The FIRST EVER Healthy Holiday Kitchen will run from NOW until New Year! This exclusive community will be a place for you to focus on your nutrition goals, invite God into the fight, learn how food fuels your body, try new yummy holiday recipes, incorporate Shakeology and lots of Shakeology desserts that won’t steal your joy or progress as you fight for the healthiest version of YOU this holiday season! 

Don’t worry!  We’re gonna allow ourselves a few days to enjoy the good ole traditional eats we have always loved at the holidays, but the REST of the time we’re going to make good, clean, whole and YUMMY eats!

Complete this application, and I will email you your enrollment options if you’re not already a client of mine!  We WILL be incorporating Shakeology at LEAST 5 days a week for the purpose of improving your gut health, digestion, energy levels and metabolism! 

But for now I want you to know that there’s a possibility that tweaking (or in my case drastically changing) your nutrition could change the game for you!

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